The 1st Academy Conference

Auto Market Experts & Auto Expert Czech magazine organized the 1st Conference of Auto Experts Academy in Prague last week. The Conference was hold on November 13, in the Hotel Diplomat Prague, Czech Republic. The mission of the Conference was introduce the Academy project to potential Partners – producers of spare parts – which showed previous interest in participation on that huge project of professional education program of mechanics and workshop managers. During following two-three months, realization team will finish total Academy agenda including education materials, media, website, brochures, books, etc. Since February 2014, we are starting with official presentation of Academy concept to selected distributors in Eastern Europe and Russia, which will be interested in. In case of your interest about Academy presentation, please contact our Sales Managers to agree on concrete schedule. Basic information about Academy concept you can find in our introduction brochure 


Participated companies at the 1st Academy Conference in Prague: