Professional Automotive Training

Auto Market Experts & Auto Expert magazine owned by Mr. Jaromír Martinec are preparing together the highest level of education and training program for mechanics and workshop managers ever was introduced in Eastern Europe and Russia. This program may be offered to innovative distribution companies of spare parts, independent garages and garage networks, which want to increase professional skills and knowledge of its staff. The Academy program is built on long-term experience of engineers from Czech automotive industry in close co-operation with relevant educational Czech institutions. The Academy head training centre is located near to city Olomouc, Czech Republic, where will be trained all international lecturers which will provide real practice in target cities of Eastern Europe. Read more on

For more information read our Brochure of the Academy concept: 

The Academy 1st Conference will be on November 13-14, 2013 in the Hotel Diplomat in Prague, Czech Republic, where are invited OEM/OES producers of spare parts, producers of garage tools, equipment and diagnostics, producers of oils, batteries & tyres and software specialists. The Conference mission is to introduce the Academy program to automotive aftermarket producers and look for Partners, which could be interested in participation. In case of your interest take part on the 1st Conference in Prague, please ask for Attendant form of Mr. Igor Tar  or ask him for any information by phone: +421-907-955481